Parking Lot Procedures

Dear Families,

In the event that we need to close the Oak Lane Parking Lot due to ice we will observe the following Drop Off and Pick Up procedures.

Drop Off:

Parents will drive down Memorial Drive, making a turn in the semi circle, parking at the small Office Gate.  You will be met by Chip who will open the back passenger side door, release your child from their car seat/booster seat and walk them to the teacher at the Office Door.  The teacher will walk your child to their classroom.

Pick Up:

Parents will drive down Memorial Drive, making a turn in the semi circle, park in the limited available spots and then walk to the Office Door.  You will be met by Donna or Ronnie who will call the classroom for your child to come to the Office Door.  

These procedures are for all the classrooms: Acorn, Walnut, Chestnut, Coconut.  We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
